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April's Harvard/Harris Poll shows majority of US supports Israel

Apr 30

1 min read


Strong support for Israel and its' efforts to minimize casualties, as well as the importance of Israel proceeding with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas

In response to the poll question "In this conflict do you support more Israel or more Hamas?", 80% of respondents replied Israel.

In response to the poll question "Do you think the crisis in Gaza is created mostly by Israel or mostly by Hamas?", 71% of respondents replied that Hamas is mostly responsible.

In response to the poll question "Should Hamas be allowed to continue to run Gaza or does Hamas need to be removed from running Gaza?", 78% of respondents replied that Hamas should be removed from running Gaza.

In response to a poll question asking whether respondents would favor or oppose a permanent ceasefire in Gaza if that meant that Hamas continued to hold hostages and Hamas were to continue to run Gaza, 68% of respondents opposed.

Apr 30

1 min read


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