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Ram Shalom


In life and in death, Ram Shalom and Idan Dor remained inseparable. Just before Idan and Ram were tragically murdered at the Nova festival, Idan exhibited immense bravery by confronting the terrorist. Best friends and neighbors in Givat Ze'ev, Ram and Idam were buried side by side in the Be'at Shaul cemetery.

Norit, Ram's mother, last spoke to him at 8:08am on October 7, when he informed her that he was on his way home. After a few more days of silence, Ram’s family was informed of his death.

Ram and Idan attended Denmark High School in Jerusalem, and played soccer for Hapoel Katamon. Ram served in a paratrooper unit and they both were discharged at about the same time. Following their military service and a trip abroad, they both found employment at the airport authority.

Nurit expressed her sorrow, saying: "Just three days before the tragic massacre, Ram had returned to Israel after spending a month in the United States with his brother. He had expressed his desire to settle in the U.S. and was reluctant to return to Israel. I urged him to come back, promising to assist with arrangements. Reluctantly, he returned with me. Upon landing in Israel, I couldn't help but feel grateful that he had chosen to accompany me. Our bond was strong, and he always looked out for me."
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