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Omri Ahrak


In a post on Instagram, Omri’s mother Sapir said the following: “Omri was passionate about playing and singing, often composing songs and writing lyrics. His dream was to pursue a career in music, and he recently fulfilled a milestone by recording one of his own songs. He was a deeply sensitive individual who embraced and respected everyone for who they were, devoid of judgment or prejudice. This inclusive nature earned him a diverse array of friends from various backgrounds and walks of life. What I admired most about Omri was his love for humanity and the respect he showed to all."

"He lived life on his own terms, unaffected by the opinions of others or the noise of the world around him. Though his path diverged from that of his peers, Omri remained steadfast in his pursuit of happiness. He made the courageous decision to forgo university studies in computer science, opting instead for a crash course in software development to pursue his desired career path. After completing his military service, Omri embarked on an adventurous journey to the East with a friend. During their travels, both mothers received a surprise invitation to join them in Vietnam. It was a joyous occasion for me as a mother, and our two-week journey together remains one of the most cherished experiences of my life.”
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