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Dror Or

Age 48 when abducted

Dror Or, 49, is an Israeli chef and cheesemaker who hails from Kibbutz Be'eri. He was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists along with two of his children, Noam, 17, and Alma, 13.

As the attack unfolded, Hamas gunmen set their house on fire, forcing the family out of their safe room. The two siblings, Noam and Alma, attempted to escape by jumping from a window but were subsequently apprehended by the Hamas gunmen. Noam was placed in the trunk of a stolen car, while Alma was seated in the front with eight other armed terrorists. Dror's wife, Yonat Or,50, was shot and killed while trying to hide from the terrorists.

Dror Or's older son, Yahli Or, was not present during the attack, as he was volunteering in a year of national service in northern Israel.

The eventual release of Noam and Alma on November 25, as part of a temporary ceasefire agreement, brought a mix of relief and heartbreak as they only then learned that their mother had been killed, and the fate of their father, Dror, remains unknown.

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