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Doron Steinbrecher

Age 30 when abducted

Doron Steinbrecher, 30, was taken hostage on October 7, during an attack by Hamas terrorists on Kibbutz Kfar Aza, a community near Gaza. She was alone in her apartment at the time. Her family, including her married sister, Amit Ashkenazi, and their parents, also lived on the kibbutz. The attack by Hamas resulted in the killing and kidnapping of dozens of residents.

On the morning of the attack, as missile alerts were going off in various parts of the country, Doron and her family members on the kibbutz took refuge in their safe rooms, believing that security forces would deal with the situation. However, the situation escalated rapidly as terrorists entered the kibbutz.

Doron's sister, Amit, along with her own family, including her young children, remained in their sealed room for 21 hours without food or water, while the terrorists wreaked havoc in the kibbutz. Doron was in touch with her family throughout the morning, but at 10:30 a.m., she sent a voice message saying "They've arrived, they have me." This was the last contact her family had with her.

A week later, the family received official confirmation that Doron was considered missing and presumed to have been abducted by Hamas.

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