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Ariel Bibas

Age 4 years when abducted

October 7, 2023, marked a day of unspeakable brutality when Hamas militants launched a devastating attack on Kibbutz Nir-Oz in southern Israel. Among the countless heart-wrenching moments that unfolded that day, one scene stood out, etching itself into the minds of people around the world – the terrifying kidnapping of Shiri Bibas, an Israeli mother, who clutched her two young sons, Ariel, aged four, and Kfir, a mere nine months old, as she was taken captive by Hamas.

The Bibas family, consisting of Shiri, her husband Yarden, their two red-headed young boys, and Shiri's parents, Yossi and Margit Silberman, were all residing in Kibbutz Nir-Oz when the horrifying incident occurred.

Yifat Zailer, Shiri's cousin, has been at the forefront of sharing the family's ordeal. She recalled the terrifying events of that Saturday morning, stating that she still can't believe it's real. Yifat resides in Tel Aviv, a city with a minute and a half to reach the shelter during rocket alerts. In contrast, Shiri and her family, living close to the border, had just ten seconds to find safety. Yifat immediately sent a message to Shiri, urging her to take cover.

Yifat had the luxury of a minute and a half to reach safety, while Shiri and her family had a mere ten seconds due to their proximity to the border. Despite the fear and uncertainty, Shiri responded to Yifat's message with a heart emoji.

As the morning progressed, Yifat sent more messages, but there were no further replies from Shiri. It was evident that something terrible had happened, and Yifat's anxiety grew as she desperately tried to find out the fate of her cousin and her family.

Yifat received a picture from a friend that would haunt her and the world – an image of Shiri, holding her two babies, appearing terrified. This photo was the beginning of a nightmare for their family and anyone who saw it. It was clear from the image that they had been kidnapped into Gaza.

The uncertainty and despair deepened as the hours passed. Yifat described how, later that morning, "we knew that horrible things had happened." The army entered the kibbutz, and Yifat began frantically searching for information about her uncle and aunt. The agonizing wait lasted nearly three days as authorities worked tirelessly to identify the victims, many of whom were badly burned, making identification a grueling process. Finally, the confirmation came – Shiri and her children were in Gaza.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, has been actively raising awareness about the Bibas family's plight. He celebrated Kfir Bibas's first birthday in captivity, highlighting the cruelty of Hamas and the urgency of their release. Ambassador Erdan called on other ambassadors to remember Kfir and their duty to bring him home.

The international community has largely been silent about the plight of the Bibas family and the other hostages held by Hamas for over 100 days. Ambassador Erdan's appeal at the United Nations underscores the need for concrete action and condemnation of these acts of terror.

Yifat emphasizes the need to change the narrative surrounding this crisis. She points out that the world has seen the horrific images and videos of the Bibas family's kidnapping, along with other atrocities committed by Hamas. She pleads for global support and pressure on Arab leaders to resolve the situation without further harm to anyone involved.

Yifat's message is clear: "The narrative has to change." She underscores the importance of differentiating between the actions of Hamas and the people they hold captive. The Bibas family, innocent victims, are paying the highest price for this crisis, and the world must unite to bring them home safely.

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