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Agam Berger

Age 19 when abducted

Agam Berger, 19, has been held hostage by Hamas militants since her abduction on October 7, 2023 during a violent attack on Nahal Oz, an Israeli military base and community. Known to many as "Gigi", she was kidnapped while still in her pajamas. She phoned her father, Shlomi Berger, as the attack began; in their very brief connection Agam told him "they are shooting at us, I am scared dad!'"

A talented violinist, Agam has a twin sister and two younger siblings residing in the southern Israeli town of Holon. She graduated from the Kiryat Sharet school in Holon, which saw 10 of its graduates killed on October 7.

Not long after their abduction, footage emerged from Hamas showing Agam alongside three other teenage hostages, Karina Ariev (19), Daniela Gilboa (19), and the youngest, Liri Albag (18). In the video, Agam appeared wounded and scared, with blood on her face, sitting against a wall alongside her fellow hostages, some of whom also appeared injured.

Agam's father has expressed his deep concern and fear for his daughter's well-being. Having seen the video, he said he dreaded the thought of what Agam and the other hostages might be enduring. They have now been held in captivity for over 135 days.


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