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civilians murdered


civilians injured


police officers killed


Israeli soldiers killed

This data is compiled by Bituah Leumi


Data is current as of January 15th, and is still being compiled due to the difficulty in identifying the dead. 

The victims of October 7th include infants and elderly, individuals and extended families.  The effects will last lifetimes.

Hamas, along with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and several other Muslim Brotherhood offshoots slaughtered hundreds of civilians on Oct 7, injured thousands, and kidnapped men, women and children as young as 4 months and as old as 85 years.

110 of the hostages abducted on October 7th have been freed.  132 remain in Gaza, with an undetermined number deceased but not returned.

This section is devoted to stories of their lives, the lives they've touched, and their personal ordeals.


Powerful images from October 7th bear witness to the atrocities of that day

First-hand images come from Hamas terrorists who wore bodycams to broadcast the attacks, as well as security cameras and cellphones.  The footage shows the wealth of weaponry used in these coordinated assaults.


Powerful images from October 7th bear witness to the atrocities of that day

First-hand images come from Hamas terrorists who wore bodycams to broadcast the attacks, as well as security cameras and cellphones.  The footage shows the wealth of weaponry used in these coordinated assaults.


A look into the events of Oct 7 and the history of Hamas terrorist activities against Israelis

The tactics utilized by Hamas on October 7th both mimic and expand on their terrorist attacks over past years.  The materials that Hamas attackers carried on the 7th include detailed instructions developed over previous terror campaigns.  Many of the methods and resources the terrorists employed have been used previously, albeit on a smaller scale.


The latest news

Updated news on the aftermath of the October 7th terrorist attacks.


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